Environmental studies and licenses obtained and social interventions:
Many in the following sectors: hydrocarbons, infrastructure, agribusiness, ports, energy, industry, urban development and tourism in all regions of Colombia.
Socio-environmental cases attended:
In the central and Amazon Colombian regions
Social management in the municipalities of Piedras and Coello, Tolima 2023-2022:
- Social intervention to generate a favorable social environment for the development of projects for the benefit of the region.
Environmental, Social and Gender Assessment for 8 agricultural sectors in Colombia, 2020-2021:
- Environmental, Social and Gender Evaluation of the Low Emission and Climate Resilient Agriculture approach in Colombia (LECRA) Project for the rice, coffee, cocoa, cane, corn, potato, oil palm and livestock sub sectors for CAF and the alliance Bioversity International with International Center for Tropical Agriculture –CIAT.
Communities of the indigenous groups Yagua and Arara of Leticia, Amazonas, 2014-2020:
- Participatory structuring of a world-class ecotouristic project with the indigenous communities. Support in the processes of 'dialogue of knowledges'.
- Formulation and co-design among the project's leaders and traditional indigenous authorities and 'sabedores' of both communities.
Communities of Soacha, Cundinamarca, 2017:
- Environmental and social risks prevention strategy between and industry and local communities in Soacha. Methodological support for the construction of a shared vision of the future with the communities of eleven neighborhoods, the environmental and municipal authorities and the industry in the area of influence.
Association of Community Action Boards of Ciudad Bolivar, Bogota, 2005-2010:
- Coalition building between an industry and community leaders that led to the participatory design and implementation of the First School of New Community Leadership in Ciudad Bolivar.
- Training programs: Training the Trainers, digital literacy and community entrepreneurship. 700 social leaders participated during five years..
In the Colombian Pacific region.
Implementation of a transition strategy to eco-neighborhoods in 5 boroughs of Cali, 2022:
- Implementation of eco-techniques and the development of technical and technological tools for the transition strategy to eco-neighborhoods as part of the city's climate change strategy, for the Administrative Department of Management and Environment DAGMA of Cali.
Community monitoring of soils, sediments and water in ecosystems degraded by mining. 2021-2022:
- Monitoring with locals all along the upper Atrato river basin of soils, sediments and water quality.
- Design of a remediation protocol with the participation of national and international experts and traditional communities experts or "sabedores" for the compliance of the Constitutional Court Ruling No. T-622 of 2016 in the upper Atrato river basin. Guardians of Atrato river, community councils of afrodescendant communities La Soledad, San Isidro, Cértegui, Cantón de San Pablo, Villa Conto, Paimadó and Unión Panamericana.
Major afrodescendant Community Councils Los Delfines, Juradó and Cupica, 2019:
- Support in the process of construction of a shared vision of the future among the different communities through widening the opportunities horizon, formulating a local development strategy and coordinating with public institutions and private projects.
Waste pickers at the landfil 'Basuro de Navarro', Cali, Valle. 2007:
- Support in the participatory design and joint structuring with the National Association of Wastepickers of the Social Management Plan for the 686 waste pickers who lived inside the Navarro Landfill, for the Utilities National Superintendency. Living with them was possible to have a psychological and occupational profile of each one of the waste pickers and to look for alternatives for their new reality outside, among private companies and local public institutions.
In the Colombian Caribbean region.
Design of the social intervention strategy for 2 populous neighborhoods for environmental management of the Ciénaga de Mallorquín, Barranquilla, 2022:
- In the Las Flores and La Playa neighborhoods in front of the Ciénaga de Mallorquín (swamp), development of the social component of the project “Definition of alternatives, studies and preliminary designs for environmental management of the Ciénaga de Mallorquín in front of the La Playa and Las Flores neighborhoods in the District of Barranquilla, Colombia”, is part of the LAIF initiative on Cities and Climate Change in Latin America, developed by the French Development Agency (AFD) and CAF - Development Bank of Latin America.
Businesses-Communities Alliances with the afrodescendant community councils of Baru, Ararca, Santana and Playa Blanca, Cartagena, 2017:
- Construction of a new and shared vision of their common future as four different organizations of Baru peninsula with mutually beneficial relations with businesses and public institutions of the zone.
- Programs to strengthen their leadership, teamwork and empathy skills.
Change management of socioeconomic paradigms with communities in the Isla de Salamanca National Park, Magdalena, 2015-2016:
- Training and investment program to change habits towards sustainable agriculture practices with 35 gardeners in order to reduce contamination by agrochemicals in the protected area.
- With clams extractors we conducted a process of construction of a new and shared vision of their future income generating activities, and thus avoid conflicts with environmental authorities, in order to reduce the pressure against the Polimesoda Solida endangered species of the region. Included the identificaction of potential markets for the proposed activities. Marketing strategies and training programs for local peasants.
Urban development project Serena del Mar, Cartagena de Indias, 2011-2014:
- Afrodescendant community of VillaGloria. Support for the construction of a shared vision of the future, between the community leaders and the project leaders that allowed the resolution of a years long conflict as well as the VillaGloria Community Sustainable Development Plan.
- Prior consultation with the community.
- Environmental Impacts Assessment that allowed the environmental license.